Monday, May 17, 2010

Distractions and a spoonful of sugar.

I've been trying to write a post for a few days now, but I've just been so distracted! Every time I turn around there are new distractions popping up... graduations & parties to attend, shoe-shopping {Eeek!}, school that has no intention of ending, dog-sitting, and just constant noise! And even in moments of quiet I find myself lacking the focus to do what needs to be done. I'm not really sure why... Maybe I'm just ready for summer. Yeah. I'm going to blame it on that. :P

On a happier note: Quite recently I've noticed that sugar makes a sound as it slides off the spoon into my morning coffee. It's kind of like a sigh of relief or maybe a shuddering sigh... I don't really know, but it makes me happy! So now I always listen for it. As do my mum & littler brother, ever since I pointed it out. It's the simple things in life, right? :)


  1. I've been pretty busy recently, too... I have a lot of blog posts that aren't finished, but which I should have posted weeks ago. :P I think I might have writer's block, at the moment.

  2. Same here. I've had so much going on, I can't wait for a break. And summer is just around the corner! :]

  3. Glad I'm not alone! It must be catching! ;)

  4. Hey, I gave you a blogger tag.
    Feel free to check it out if like. :)

    P.S. Whenever I leave work, the guinea pigs down the side of the studio squeak at me. The sounds makes me feel happy. Cause they notice me :)

  5. I am surprised Sylvia hasn't noticed the sound of sugar. She'll think of you, now, next time she pours sugar.

    1. I hope she does. :) This has reminded me, I drink my coffee black now, so I am denied the pleasure of the sugar-susurrus each morning. *sigh*

  6. I also seriously worry about those people. Especially when their substituted letters don't even shorten the message. Maybe they're too busy lol-ing to notice. (lol lol) I have written that maybe three times in my life and two of them are right here.

    1. People like you restore my faith in the more current generations. I used to 'lol' a bit back in the day, but now I reserve it for certain late-night chats when I truly am lol-ing. Otherwise, I just feel ridiculous saying it.


Silhouettes of a secret. A story told over a cuppa. Or perhaps just sitting on that stone bench, basking in the moonlight... and not saying anything at all.

("I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks." -Shakespeare, Twelfth Night)